Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Using Two Spanish Verbs for Cleaning, Lavar and Limpiar

Using Two Spanish Verbs for Cleaning, Lavar and Limpiar Lavar and limpiar are Spanish verbs meaning to clean, and while theyre sometimes interchangeable, theyre often used in different ways. How To Use Lavar When talking about the body or things associated with the body, particularly clothing, lavar is the verb of choice. One way to remember this is to notice that lavar comes from the same Latin root as does the English word lavatory, sometimes called a washroom. Indeed, one way of thinking about lavar is as a synonym for to wash. La forma en que lavas tu cabello es muy importante para mantenerlo sano. (The way in which you wash your hair is very important for keeping it healthy.)Los profesionales de salud piensan que se lavan las manos mejor y con ms frecuencia de lo que realmente hacen. (Health professionals believe they clean their hands better and more often than they really do.) ¡Odio cuando me lavo la cara y me entra agua por la manga! (I hate it when Im washing my face and water gets up my sleeve!)Si lava las camisas a mano, nunca escobille cuellos y puà ±os. (If you wash shirts by hand, never use a brush on the collars and cuffs.)Los vaqueros debemos lavarlos siempre al revà ©s. (Jeans should always be washed inside-out.)Lava (or limpia) tus dientes despuà ©s de cada comida. (Brush your teeth after each meal.) Because lavar is used when referring to the laundering of clothes, in an adaptation from English similar to a calque, the word also is used to refer to the laundering of money: Se acusa al ex presidente de ser el jefe de una asociacià ³n ilà ­cita que lava dinero. The former president is accused of being the head of an illegal group that launders money. Lavar is often used in situations where water is used in cleaning (although limpiar can sometimes be used too): Hoy a la tarde pensaba lavar el coche. (This afternoon I was thinking about washing my car.)Las verduras eran lavadas y sumergidas en agua muy frà ­a. (The vegetables were washed and placed in very cold water.)No cometas el error de usar jabà ³n de lavar platos. (Dont make the mistake of using dishwashing soap.) Lavar is sometimes used in references to the process of erosion: La erosià ³n lavà ³ la roca sedimentaria, exponiendo el granito. The erosion washed away the sedimentary rock, exposing the granite. Finally, the limpia form of limpiar can be used to form compound words: limpiabarros (boot cleaner), limpiabotas (shoe cleaner), limpiametales (metal polish), limpiamuebles (furniture polish), limpiavidrios (window cleaner). How To Use Limpiar Limpiar, which is derived from the adjective for clean, limpio, can be used in most other situations to mean to clean: Limpiamos absolutamente todo con este producto. (We clean absolutely everything with this product.)Te limpiamos tu casa en 15 minutes. (We clean your house for you in 15 minutes.)Ms de 30 estudiantes limpiaron la zona. (More than 30 students cleaned up the area.)Limpià © el ordenador y se fue el problema. (I cleaned the computer and the problem went away.) ¿Cà ³mo limpias el filtro de partà ­culas en tu Volkswagen? (How do you clean the particulate filter in your Volkswagen?) Limpar can be used to mean to clean or to clean up in a figurative sense: No es difà ­cil limpiar su PC de spyware y malware. (Its not difficult to rid your PC of spyware and malware.)El gobierno desea limpiar el deporte con una nueva ley. (The government wants to clean up the sport with a new law.) Limpiar is also used to refer to the removal of undesired parts from a fish: Limpiar el salmà ³n retirndole la piel, la grasa y las espinas. (Clean the salmon by removing the skin, the fat and the bones.) The lava form of lavar is used to form various compound words: lavacoches (car wash), lavamanos (sink for washing hands), lavapelo (a beauticians chair for washing hair), lavarropas (washing machine), lavavajillas (dishwasher, dishwashing soap). Other Verbs for Cleaning Lavar and limpiar are by far the most common verbs for to clean, at least two others are used in certain circumstances: Ordenar can be used when the emphasis in putting things in order. Cada abril ordeno el garaje. (Every April I clean the garage.)Purificar, a cognate of purify, is sometimes used when the emphasis is on removing impurities. Mi amiga usa la crema cara para purificar la cara. (My friend uses the expensive cream to clean her face.) Key Takeaways Lavar is often used when talking about cleaning the body or clothing, or when the cleaning involves washing with water.Limpiar is used for most other situations as the equivalent of to clean.The conjugated forms lava and limpia are frequently used to form compound words.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Effects of Multimedia on Cultural Change in the Kingdom of Saudi Research Proposal

The Effects of Multimedia on Cultural Change in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example The native language of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is Arabic, and is thus, the primary medium of oral and written communication. The Arabic language also â€Å"reflects and preserves the culture and customs of the desert society of Arabia that evolved long before the introduction of Islam† (Long, 2005, p. 82). Long (2005) maintained that Arabic is more than a liturgical language, but a living language echoing the culture of its people, then and now. Kendall (2011), however, believes that generally, cultures do not remain static. Forces are constantly at work which results either in gradual or abrupt cultural changes. There is reason to believe that like other cultures of the world, Saudi Arabia may not be immune to cultural changes. The computer and the Internet are believed to be responsible for the popularity of multimedia among people globally. Such popularity is believed to be a significant influence on how multimedia changes the lives of people in any society. Even Saudi Arabia, which according to Cordesman (2009) is generally regarded as a very conservative society then and now, did not remain unaffected by the changes brought about by multimedia. Based on a number of information technology statistics, Saudi Arabia posted 11.4 million Internet users from a population of 26,131,703, for an approximate Internet penetration of 43.6%. As of March, 2011, there are 4,092,600 Facebook accounts by Saudi Arabian nationals. Saudi Arabia posted higher Internet penetration rate than seven other Middle East nations, namely: Iran (42.6%); Kuwait (42.6%); Jordan (26.8%); Lebanon (26.4%); Syria (19.8%); Yemen (9.7%) and Iraq (1.1%) (Internet World Stats, 2011). Aims of the Proposed Study The study is being proposed to examine how multimedia has influenced cultural change in the Kingdom, aided by the computer and the Internet. Specifically, the aims of the study are: (1) describe the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age, educational attainment, occupa tion and place of residence: (2) identify the types of multimedia equipment the respondents consider as indispensable for their activities at home in the office and in school: (3) measure the extent to which different forms of multimedia affect the people of Saudi Arabia as social beings; (4) explain how the culture of Saudi Arabia changed as a result of the introduction of various forms of multimedia and assess whether the respondents are amenable to these cultural changes; (5) describe how multimedia have an effect in the cultural changes which has occurred in Saudi Arabia in the last decade; (6) verify significant differences in the perspective of the respondents about the cultural changes when they are grouped according to the profile variables considered in the study. Methodology The study will involve 385 respondents selected using a web-based sample size calculator based on the following parameters: (1) a margin of error of 5%; (2) a confidence level of 95%; (3) a population size of 26,131,703; and (4) a response distribution of 50% (Raosoft, 2004). Respondents will be selected using purposive sampling. A survey questionnaire will serve as the main data gathering instrument. The questionnaire will be pilot tested among 20 respondents and the same will be subjected to content and face validation and reliability analysis. Data gathering will be carried out using a technology-mediated questionnaire