Thursday, October 31, 2019

Main idea and themes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Main idea and themes - Assignment Example The mosaic pattern of chips used in the decoration of the pattern helps in depiction of different artworks of the last ancient Romans and the first medieval European style. This thus prompts the theme of the role of art in the representation of cultural diversity. The main idea represented by the artwork in the church at Ravenna is the difference in the ancient Roman artwork and the medieval European work. A depiction of the same church represents both a beardless Christ representing the Roman work as well as the bearded Jesus representing the medieval work. This is an indication of the possibility of the existence of different combination of an art form in a single theme to represent a masterpiece. The church of Hagia Sophia was built between the years 532 and 537 AD in Constantinople by the Empire Justinian. The interior design of the church was built in accordance with the ancient Greek philosophical principle of symmetry devised by the Greek mathematician, Pythagoras. The structure and the design of the church of Hagia Sophia elicit a discussion of the theme of the importance of mathematics and philosophy in art. The design of the church has its every aspect united under one basic unit of the monogram of Justinian, which is used as the projection of all philosophical and mathematical designs of the entire church. Known as the church of wisdom, the church of Hagia Sophia can be a compare to the Solomonic temple in Jerusalem in terms of accuracy with which the Pythagoras principle of numbers is applied. Pythagoras believed in perfection of numbers with six being the perfect number that is used to manipulate all the design work in the church. The main idea that is drawn from amalgamation of Pythagoras principles in the piece of art is the role of precision and philosophy in artwork. The location of the entrance of the church, the perfection of the circles and the entire design combines the components of the church, which is

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